Yad Elie

  • Address:
  • Nekar Meir 27, Jerusalem
  • 0523834718
  • Transparency rating
    Categories of Activities:
  • Bridging Social Divides

On a daily basis, Yad Elie feeds more than 500 needy schoolchildren in West and East Jerusalem. Yad Elie wants to help these children to better concentrate in class and to succeed in school, and on the job market.

The volunteers of Yad Elie organize fundraising events, benefit concerts,
competitions and lectures to raise funds and to draw attention to the
problem of food insecurity and malnourishment amoung schoolchildren.Yad
Elie has set up schoolgardens where children grow their own produce and
has financed the building of schoolkitchens. Yad Elie supports
educational programs on health and nutrition. Yad Elie works with
children of all creeds in Jewish and Arab schools in Jerusalem. Yad Elie
creates opportunities for school staff and parents from various schools
to meet, discuss and work together.

Certificate of Good Standing
(Nihul Takin)
Financial Report (last tax year)   
Certificate of Financial Accounting
(Ishur Nihul Pinkasei Chesbonot)
Annual Report (last tax year) - Hebrew   
Certificate of tax-deductibility at source (Ishur Nikui Mas b'Makor)   
Annual Report (last tax year) - English   
Classification as non-profit organization (Sivug Malcar)   
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - Hebrew   
Non-standard articles of incorporation
(Takanon Meuchad)
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - English