The Reut-Sderot Association aims to empower families and underprivileged populations, in particular at risk children and youth. Our organization was selected by the Sderot Municipality welfare department to address a multiple range of social and educational gaps. Our ultimate goal is strengthening community ties, imparting leadership skills and offering support services which assist youth and families to overcome and manage trauma, deal with social and emotional hardships and surmount academic difficulties. Among the Association's most prominent projects are:
1. A network of 4 therapeutic centers for at-risk children and youth.
2. Lapidot Project – a project designed to empower young women from the peripheral areas of Israel.
3. Young Afikim- Young families who chose to settle in distress neighborhoods in Sderot.
4. Supporting Families – distribution of food coupons for needy families before Pesach and Rosh Hashana.