We, the veterans of Sayeret Matkal, have given ourselves the name Misdar Dorshey Tov – “The order for the Seekers of Good”. Serving in our unit has enabled us the opportunity to do meaningful work, take responsibility, and contribute to our country.
We have received so much and want to use the skills we acquired during our service to give back.
The association is a natural contribution of our military service, and our goal is to contribute to Israel’s social and economic resilience. Sayeret Matkal is always at the heart of the most important security challenges. Misdar Dorshey Tov will be the same way. We strive to go wherever we can add value and contribute to the Israeli society.
Our volunteers are working across Israel, in the social and geographical backyard of Israel, working with youth and young adults break the glass ceiling, while building self confident, and encourage Israeli resilience.
For the Unit - we offer assistance for the spouses of career soldiers and reservists, Memorialization for our fallen soldiers, Mental Health treatments for fighters with PTSD, programs for veterans'' community and supportive community events.