Israel Basketball Coaches Organization

  • Transparency rating
    Categories of Activities:
  • Health
  • Co-Existence
  • Workers Association
  • Education
  • Sport
  • Culture
  • Health
  • Co-Existence
  • Workers Association
  • Education
  • Sport
  • Culture

The Basketball Coaches Association is a private association with 1,500 basketball coaches in Israel. The organization was established in 1999. The organization was founded in an effort to promote the status of coach and coach.

Objectives of the organization:

Educational - Over ninety percent of Israeli basketball coaches work in the various youth departments and accordingly work with children and adolescents. A coach can be one of the most significant characters in a child's life. Understanding the importance of the coach, our goal is to promote the transfer of educational content to coaches and the encouragement of rewarding coaches for work hours related to sports values ​​with the players.

Professional - Sports is a learning tool. Teaching proper technique is the coach's way of making it clear to players that, as the late Ralph Klein said, "success comes before working only in a dictionary." The training in Israel.

Certificate of Good Standing
(Nihul Takin)
Financial Report (last tax year)   
Certificate of Financial Accounting
(Ishur Nihul Pinkasei Chesbonot)
Annual Report (last tax year) - Hebrew   
Certificate of tax-deductibility at source (Ishur Nikui Mas b'Makor)   
Annual Report (last tax year) - English   
Classification as non-profit organization (Sivug Malcar)   
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - Hebrew   
Non-standard articles of incorporation
(Takanon Meuchad)
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - English