580574929 - -

Horsha School Friends

.an elementary school for autistic children and children with communication disabilities
Horsha is the largest school in the north of Israel and serves almost 100 students, ages 6-21 years.

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Horsha school is a home to children who suffer from distinctive communicational disabilities, difficulties in sensory integration, social relations and perception. These various disorders within the Autistic spectrum have prevented them from being able to integrate in the regular education or other special education systems in the area.
The main purpose of the school is to provide our students with the tools that will enable them to perform and behave well in their independent life after their graduation at the age of 21 years. We invest endless efforts develop their social skills and to expose them to the normative daily experiences. Along with that, we work to provide an educational and therapeutic environment, which answers the specific communication and sensory needs within the Autistic spectrum.
Our school strives to provide a source of support for the families, along with care and encouragement for each child. The school serves as a central base for various innovative programs such as mainstreaming,
Certificate of Good Standing
(Nihul Takin)
Financial Report (last tax year)   
Certificate of Financial Accounting
(Ishur Nihul Pinkasei Chesbonot)
Annual Report (last tax year) - Hebrew   
Certificate of tax-deductibility at source (Ishur Nikui Mas b'Makor)   
Annual Report (last tax year) - English   
Classification as non-profit organization (Sivug Malcar)   
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - Hebrew   
Non-standard articles of incorporation
(Takanon Meuchad)
Anticipated Budget (this coming year) - English   
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Latest Donors
Israel - ₪207.8
Israel - ₪207.8
United States - ₪1558.5
Israel - ₪103.9
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