Argaman arose as a grass-roots movement, established by people who are or have been directly involved with Sex Work. The organisation is the latest incarnation of a struggle we have been waging for a long time in the field, for our right to speak for ourselves, to make our voices heard, and not to be trampled under the patronage that speaks highly of “saving” and “rehabilitating” us with inattention and disregard for our desires. Our inability to prevent the dangerous enactment in 2018 of the “Customer Incrimination Act” known worldwide as the Nordic Model, was the last catalyst that motivated us to organise ourselves. Our unification into a community began on the When She Works Facebook page, where Sex Workers talk about their experiences and express opinions and ideas. In 2019, Argaman was founded by present and past sex workers, who were joined by social workers, researchers, and social activists. Argaman is a n officially registered association.