How to phrase the gift in your will or estate
Please select your country to display the recommended phrasing:
United States, Canada,
United Kingdom.
I give to America Gives, Inc. an IRS- recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt US nonprofit corporation (EIN: 26-3383926), with its principal offices at 1732 1st Ave #27091, New York, NY 10128, [all (or ____ percent) of my residuary estate] or [the sum of $_______ ] to be used for the support of the people of Israel [or specific cause].
I give to Canada Charity Partners, a Canadian registered charity recognized by Revenue Canada, with its principal offices at 5785 Smart ave., Cote St Luc, Quebec, Canada H4W2M8, [all (or ____ percent) of my residuary estate] or [the sum of $_______ ] to be used for the support of the people of Israel [or specific cause].
I give to UK Gives, a UK charity recognized by the Charity Commission (ID: 1161366), with its principal offices at 483 Green Lanes, London, England, N134BS, [all (or ____ percent) of my residuary estate] or [the sum of £_______ ] to be used for the support of the people of Israel [or specific cause].