Assuta Ashdod Public Hospital, established 7 years ago, is the first public hospital founded in Israel in over 45 years and serves as a living testament to the power of innovation, creating a new paradigm and revolution for public healthcare service read more Category: Health and Saving Lives
Medical services, clinical trial researches and fund raising for Galilee Medical Center read more Category: Health and Saving Lives
Dedicated to Advancing, Understanding and Seeking Cures for MFN2 Related Diseases read more Category: Health and Saving Lives
העמותה הוקמה באפריל 2019 ע"י חולי CMT והורים לילדים שאובחנו עם המחלה. העמותה מקדישה את פעילותה למען שיפור איכות חייהם הן הפיזית והן הנפשית של הקהילה. read more Category: Health and Saving Lives
Keshet David was established as a research organization in order to assist in combatting the ongoing campaigns of anti-Semitism and delegitimization of the State of Israel. read more Category: International Relations
פתיחה וניהול כספים של קרן למימון טיפולים רפואיים, פתיחה וניהול כספים של קרן למטרות מחקר ופיתוח , מחק ופיתוח, מימון פרסום לגיוס כספים תחומי הפעילות - הצלת חיים, בריאות ומדע, קידום מחקר למציאת תרופה לתסמונת irf2bpl, מימון טיפולים של החולים במחלת irf2b read more Category: Research
Organization for the preservation of the heritage of Libyan Jews We work through a variety of channels to preserve and instill the heritage and tradition of Jews of Libyan origin. read more Category: Heritage and Remembrance
איל"י הינה עמותה ללא מטרות רווח שנועדה לקדם את לימודי יפן בישראל. read more Category: Research
Researching and documenting the issue of heroism in the people of Israel: IDF soldiers, MGB fighters, Israel Police officers and members of the security forces as well as ordinary citizens. Dissemination of information to the public about the heritag read more Category: Commemoration
The institute promotes groundbreaking scientific research in the field of consciousness, makes content in the field accessible to the general public and holds meetings for researchers and activists at the institute. read more Category: Research
Advancing and accelerating the research for the treatment and prevention of CJD, with a sharing vision and recruitment of the community of genetic families and researchers, basing a sharing biobank for a big data research and creation of new studies. read more Category: Health Organizations
The association works to promote innovation in a throat ear here and jaw, in Israel and around the world, in clinical and social aspects. A leading center for innovation and advanced research in the field of throat ear read more Category: Research
An amuta raising money to enhance the resources for the Tel Aviv Neurosurgery Department at Ichilov read more Category: Health and Saving Lives
"לחלק מענקים לישיבות; הענקת כספים לחקר סרטן הדם בהנהלתו של ד""ר משה רחמילביץ מביה""ח הדסה ירושלים." read more Category: Volunteerism and Philanthropic Foundations